Local Sponsor Services in the UAE & PRO Services in Dubai, UAE
A local sponsor in the UAE is an Emirati or a UAE national with a family membership card (Gincia), who acts as your service agent for your business in the UAE.
A local sponsor for companies in the UAE can be an individual/s or corporate. Here, if it is a corporate sponsor that company has to be 100% owned by UAE / GCC National/s.
As per the UAE Companies Law and UAE Civil Law, to form a limited liability company (LLC) in the mainland a minimum of 51% local share is a must. A foreign share in such kind of company should not exceed 49% however, distribution in the profits shared can be mutually agreed between the parties.
Some types of professional companies and civil companies can be owned 100% by an expatriate shareholder, where the local sponsor will act as a Local Service Agent (LSA)
Local Sponsor Services in the UAE & PRO Services in Dubai, UAE
CLA Emirates [formerly Emirates Chartered Accountants Group] - Professionals in Local Sponsor Services & PRO Services in Dubai, UAE.
Call for Consultation
Mr. Ragesh Mattummal | Partner
Mob: +971 50 3578031
Email: Ragesh.Mattummal@claemirates.com
CLA Emirates [formerly Emirates Chartered Accountants Group] assures 100% assistance in obtaining an authentic, genuine, well-grounded,and reliable UAE national or an Emirati in order to act as your local sponsor in the UAE.
The International Companies Regulations require no local shareholding in an offshore company as opposed to the companies incorporated in the mainland of UAE, which requires mandatory local shareholding. Therefore, foreign investors either individual or corporate entities may own 100% share equity.
Local sponsor in the UAE is not only responsible to share the shares in the company. But instead, he is also responsible for some important dealings as mentioned below:
There is a wide array of PRO Services in Dubai, UAE that CLA Emirates [formerly Emirates Chartered Accountants Group] offers to its clients. Our team is specialized in all the PRO Services in Dubai, UAE as mentioned below:
Investors and company formation in the UAE are a thriving business in this country. Business magnates from all over the universe choose UAE for investment and forming a company in the UAE. ‘Local sponsor is a general term used in the UAE to refer to local service agents when you form a company in the mainland with foreign investment.
Running errands is not always feasible and an easy task. CLA Emirates [formerly Emirates Chartered Accountants Group] provides the most efficient PRO Services in Dubai, UAE with utmost commitment and excellence to our valuable customers maintaining crystal clear relationships with all the proceedings that we do. The PRO Service team assures that the work is commenced and progressed as per it has been committed to the clients.
We will take up all the burden of running errands across the government departments with regard to formal proceedings and allow you to utilise your time for other important works.
To ensure clients progress financially and socially.
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In order to get a mainland license, you require a local Emirati / GCC national or a corporate sponsor. But in some categories of license like professional license, the expatiate can be 100% owner and local Emirati / GCC national or a corporate will be as a service agent.
In order to get the mainland license, you require a local Emirati / GCC national or a corporate sponsor. But in some categories of license like professional license, the expatiate can be 100% owner and local Emirati / GCC national or a corporate will be as a service agent.
In order to get the mainland license, you require a local Emirati / GCC national or a corporate sponsor. But in some category of license like professional license, the expatiate can be 100% owner and local Emirati / GCC national or a corporate will be as a service agent.
In order to form or to get a license in the mainland, you require a local sponsor. But in some cases like a professional license, you can be the 100% owner but you require a local sponsor as a service agent.
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