Starting a business is now very easy. We can do it with the help of social media like Facebook, online, etc. These can be activities like selling of hand-made craft, drawings, painting, clothes, or marketing service, etc. Nowadays these kinds of businesses are legal unless you a license to conduct such an activity.
To promote an online business Dubai Government is issuing a license under the Department of Economic Development (DED). UAE is a fast-growing business hub where all the investors and businessmen are eager to invest or start a business.
Department of Economic Development (DED) has introduced an E-trader License in Dubai to encourage them to promote and help home entrepreneurs to start their businesses through social media or online mediums.
E-Trader license in Dubai, UAE was launched by the Department of Economic Development (DED) in the year 2017 and its main intention is to promote people to do business over social media. The E-trader license in Dubai allows the companies to introduce their services and products on social media which would also allow them to sell their products easily.
One of the perks of online trading is that there is no middleman to introduce the product or service to the end-user, it is a direct business. This will help and allow us to get a good price for the end-user. Also, through E-Trader License which is an online platform, both the parties - the businessmen and end-user can communicate easily about the products or services. This will increase the confidence of customers to do online shopping and purchase through it.
There are also some disadvantages of online trading as well. There are times when fake products are trading through online platforms or on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Department of Economic Development (DED) also regulates the rules for online trading through social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.
The E–Trader license can be registered under the name of an Emirati or GCC citizen and his / her age should be minimum 18 or above residing in Dubai.
The 7 main benefits of E– Trader license in Dubai are mentioned below:
By obtaining this license legally you can promote and sell your products and services through the social media pages, including Instagram, Facebook, through a website, etc. With this E-Trader license in Dubai, the individuals are permitted lawfully to participate in exhibitions and conferences. Department of Economic Development (DED) conducts workshops and training for E-trader license owners to get more ideas on how you can do the business and receive payment legally.
As we mentioned above, the main conditions for this license are that the license holder must be UAE or a GCC national. Also, the activities are limited for E–Trader license like selling physical products and goods and conducting events on their social media platform. A non-GCC expat can sell specialized services through their social media, but not a commercial product like repair, maintenance, event management, and photography services. But you should hold a license from the Department of Economic Development (DED).
The process of getting the E-trader license in Dubai is simple and straight-forward. One can easily apply for the license by following the steps-
Step 1: Go to the DED Trader website.
Step 2: Create a Trader account. Step 3: Register and make payments.
Step 4: Provide information about your social media accounts when registering for the license.
What is the time period to receive the confirmation for the E-Trader License in Dubai?
Once all the necessary stepwise procedure is completed, you will get the confirmation for the business license within five to ten minutes.
What is the Fee for E-Trader License in Dubai?
The current fees of E-Trader license in Dubai are AED 1,070/- and it should be renewed every year. Experts advise should always be initially taken when you have a vision of setting up an online business as you should know what is best for you.
Emirates Chartered Accountants Group provides Licensing Service with regard to Company Formation all over the UAE which shall be progressed in accordance with the UAE laws and its regulations.
For E-Trader License in Dubai
Viju Divakaran
Asst.Manager – Company Incorporation
Mobile : +971 55 4028899
Phone. : +971 4 2500 290