Business Advisory Service
With signs of the economy reviving the importance of valuation of the business is gaining momentum among the businessmen in the region.
The SMEs in the construction industry are taking a lead in the trend to value their firms. The valuation approach that finds more attraction in the SME sector in UAE is Income Approach where the future revenue plays a crucial role.
The asset approach is popular among the highly capital-intensive companies while the marketing approach is used when the comparison of different companies is available.
1. Sale of Business: It is quite common that the businessmen in the SME sector have a stake in more than one business in UAE. The main reason for conducting business valuation is because business owners are planning to sell their stake in some of their business and to focus attention on their key businesses. With the economy growing most of them want to cash out their hard work.
2. Division of business: The major businesses in UAE are Limited Liability Companies with numerous partners and quite often when partners decide to part their ways the only way to arrive at the value of the business with greater accuracy is through Business Valuation. There are times when the family divisions have also resulted in the division of the business. To ensure that all the parties get their worth of money Business Valuation plays an important role.
3. Expansion of business: As business is crossing geographical barriers and moving beyond the horizons the value of the firms play a key role in business planning. Understanding the current position will help in efficient planning and coordination.
4. Financing Requirement: With the objective of raising cheaper finance it sometimes becomes necessary for companies to analyze the value of the firm and for the financial institutions. With many wealthy investors showing eagerness to invest in UAE, the importance of valuation is getting more significant.
5. Mergers & Acquisition: The mergers and acquisitions in the SME sector in UAE are also witnessing a rapid increase and business valuation becomes a crucial factor for decision making. The Facebook valuation has aroused curiosity in the minds of the people. With such curiosity, the trend for business valuation is increasing in UAE as well.
Our business valuation team always delivers independent valuations to meet a variety of purposes.
Call for Consultation
Pradeep Sai | Partner
Mob: +971 556530001