Economic Substance Regulation (ESR) and Country by Country Reporting (CbCR) in UAE are the two new regulations introduced in the United Arab Emirates in the year 2019. These two regulations are in effect in UAE from 2019 as per BEPS (Base Erosion & Profit Shifting) 15 Action Plan. BEPS has developed the 15 Action plan project in order to address the concerns on tax avoidance.
UAE being one of the members of the BEPS inclusive framework also commits to implementing BEPS minimum standards. The Economic Substance Regulation( ESR) is part of BEPS Action 5- Harmful Tax Practices whereas Country by country reporting (CbCr) is BEPS Action 13.
In this blog, we will clarify the differences between these two regulations, namely Economic Substance Regulation (ESR) and Country by Country Reporting (CbCR) in terms of filing of notification, reporting, due date and much more.
Economic Substance Regulations vide Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No 31 of 2019 is in effect from 30th April 2019.
The country is expected to move a step ahead in providing a basis to support that investment in UAE was not driven only to benefit from privileged tax regime.
It will ensure the pro-active measures to address concerns of the EU on shifting of profits.
The aim is to improve the international competency of the Country.
What is the Purpose of Country by Country Reporting Law in UAE?
The purpose of CbC Reporting is to eliminate any gap in information between the taxpayers and tax administrations with regards to information on where the economic value is generated within the MNE Group and whether it matches where profits are allocated and taxes are paid on a global level.
Particulars |
Economic Substance Regulation |
Country by Country Reporting |
Regulation No. |
Cabinet of Ministers Resolution 31 of 2019 |
Cabinet of Ministers Resolution 32 of 2019 |
BEPS Action Plan |
Action 5 |
Action 13 |
Purpose |
To prove the substance over form |
To eliminate the gaps (if any) in information between Taxpayers and Tax Authorities with regards to information on economic value generated by MNE Groups. |
Applicable to: |
Licensee carrying out any of the following Relevant Activities:
MNE Group
To whom Notify/Report |
Relevant Authority (i.e. Licensing Authorities for Relevant Activities) |
Competent Authority (i.e. Ministry of Finance) |
Notification/ Reporting |
The Information Notification is to be filed with the Relevant Authorities within the Due date |
The Notification is to be filed by all the Constituent Entities with Competent Authorities in the State.
Report is to be filed by the Ultimate Parent Entity in the State or in its Registered Jurisdiction (wherever applicable). |
Particulars |
Economic Substance Regulation |
Country by Country Reporting |
Due Date |
To be filed no later than 12 months after last day of the end of each Financial Year of the Licensee. |
For Notification: to be filed no later than the last day of the Reporting Fiscal Year of such MNE Group.
For Report: To be filed no later than 12 months after the last day of Reporting Fiscal Year of such MNE Group.
Filing Obligation by: |
Licensee Carrying out Relevant Activities and is required to satisfy Economic Substance Test. |
Constituent Entity of the MNE Group, Ultimate Parent Entity or Surrogate Parent Entity |
What is to Notify/Report? |
Following Information in respect to the Licensee:
Maintenance of Books/ Records/ Documents/ Information |
6 years from the end of Financial Year in which the Information Notification is Filed. |
5 years after the date of reporting to the Competent Authority |
Nature of Offences |
Failure to provide the Information Failure to furnish inaccurate information or knowingly furnishing inaccurate information |
Failure to retain the required documents & information Failure to provide the information to Competent Authority Failure to Notify or report (as applicable) to the Competent Authority Failure to provide details in accurate and complete manner |
Penalties |
AED 10,000/- to AED 300,000/- |
AED 50,000/- to AED 1,000,000/- (in case of delay in filing the Notification or Report within due date the additional penalty amounting to AED 10,000 for every day during which the failure continues to a maximum of AED 250,000) |
Contact Persons:
CA. Manu Palerichal
Mobile:+971 50 282 8727
CA. Dhara Yagnik
Mobile: +971 56 595 6836