Looking for steps to set up a company in Main land? They are as follows: 1. SELECT AN ACTIVITY To setup a company in Dubai there are more than 2,000 business activities available, which fall into different classes and groups. If the required activity is not available in the list then DED will study the same and if possible they will create the new business activity. 2. SELECT A LEGAL FORM FOR YOUR BUSINESS When you select a legal form for your business in Dubai, you must take into account the business type, business activities, the number and the nationality of owners and the ownership options. 3. SELECT A TRADE NAME FOR YOUR BUSINESS When choosing a name for your business or company you should follow general trade name guidelines A Trade Name Certificate is valid for 60 days and can be renewed only once. 4. APPLY FOR AN INITIAL APPROVAL CERTIFICATE An Initial Approval Certificate is a document which says that the Government has no objection to you starting a business and means you can take the next steps to getting a business license. During the application process, you will be issued with a payment voucher or a transaction number, which you will need to use as a reference when you pay. 5. PREPARE AN MOA OR LSA,IF RELEVANT Depending on the legal form of your company, you and your business partners may need to draft and sign a Memorandum of Association (MOA). In some cases, you will have to sign a Local Service Agent (LSA) agreement with a UAE national, who will represent your business with regards to licensing and compliance. If you are a Sole Establishment license holder you do not need an MOA. 6. ESTABLISH YOUR BUSINESS LOCATION All businesses in Dubai must have a physical address and it is mandatory to take approval from Municipality. If you or one of your business partners is a UAE national and has a license in a specific location already, you can add your new business to the same site as long as the space is bigger than 500 sq. ft. and subject to approval from DED. 7. OBTAIN LICENCING APPROVALS FOR YOUR BUSINESS ACTIVITY Activities like Hospitals/Insurance Companies/Banks require special approvals by different government departments. 8. COLLECT YOUR BUSINESS LICENCE When you submit your documents, you will be issued with a payment voucher or a transaction number, which you can use online to check the status of your Business License. Company formation division at Emirates chartered Accountants Group will give you better advice to setup a company in UAE Dubai. For more email us to info@claemirates.com